Under the aegis of the Templars

HELP FOR UKRAINE – OSMTJ Knights Templar Commandery of Poland and Ukraine Foundation is an independent, sovereign, non-governmental organization. Its activities are part of the history and tradition of the Templar Order.

The Order of the Temple of Jerusalem is a noble community of Christian Templars established to heal the wounds and misfortunes of humanity through a Christian network of Templar institutions that build and strengthen its noble initiatives.

The order was founded in the 12th century in Jerusalem. According to medieval chroniclers, the Order of the Poor Knights of Christ was created by nine knights from a privileged aristocratic and noble nation. Among the founders, in addition to Hugo de Payens, there are: Gottfried de Saint-Omer, Gottfried Bisol, Payén de Montdidier, Archembaud de Saint-Aignant, Gondemar, Jacques de Rossal, Gottfried d'Eygorande, Nicolas de Neuvic, Jean d'Ussel, Jean de Meymac and Pierre d'Orléan. Within several dozen years, the Order became a world power. The activity of the Order of the Knights of the Temple covered more and more areas - apart from armed protection of pilgrims, defense of the Holy Land, military support for the then rulers of European and Eastern countries, the brotherhood also conducted local and international trade, organization of markets and fairs, breeding, wool production, farming and fruit growing. . The Templars became known throughout the civilized world, their achievements were the locomotive of civilization. The Templars' capabilities grew rapidly - within several dozen years they became the owners of almost half of Europe, and had a significant influence on the rest of it. Thanks to their enormous income, they were able to finance costly military operations against Muslims in the Holy Land and the Iberian Peninsula. In Europe, the first Commanderies appeared in the 12th and 13th centuries, including: in Poland and Ukraine. Historians estimate that in the period from the 12th to the 14th century, about 50 Commanderies operated in Poland, and in the headquarters of each of them relics brought from the Holy Land from subsequent crusades could be kept, strengthening the legends associated with them, which have survived in public perception to this day. .

In 1312, Pope Clement V suspended the activities of the Order, and most of its properties were taken over by the Order of Saint John. The Templars resume their official activities during the rule of Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte and are currently present on the world map. Grand Priories, Priories and Commanderies of the Order reside in dozens of countries.

In the pantheon of Grand Masters of the Templar Order, you can find the Pole, General Antoni Zdrojewski. General Zdrojewski held this highest office in the Order from 1970 to 1989. As the Grand Prior of Europe and a hero of the Polish and French resistance during World War II, General Zdrojewski, being the Grand Master of the Order of the Temple, reformed the Order, giving it an ecumenical form. After the general's death, his successors assumed the titles of Regent of the Order. In January 2020, retired American General Ronald Scott Mangum was elected as the 57th Grand Master of the Order.

The Contemporary Order is a Christian worldwide organization primarily engaged in charitable activities and the protection of human rights. The Order is organized and registered as an international organization under the name Ordre du Temple de Jerusalem.

In line with the Christian message, the HELP FOR UKRAINE - OSMTJ Knights Templar Commandery of Poland and Ukraine Foundation provides broadly understood assistance to the victims of the war caused by the Russian Federation in Ukraine. The goals and tasks of the Foundation are defined in its statute inspired by the Templar motto "Non nobis Domine, non nobis, sed nomini Tuo da gloriam!" ” – “Not to us, O Lord, not to us, but to Your name give glory!”

Founders of the Foundation

Robert Kuczma Flag

President of the Foundation's Management Board

Co-founder and founder of the Foundation, Templar, Knight of the Grand Croix of the Order, editor-in-chief of the Prestiż magazine who is who, businessman, social activist, volunteer. Master of the Lodge of the Brotherhood of Bronze Knights, founder and co-founder of the EZDI National Salvation Foundation.

Mykhailo Ilnytskyi Flag

Vice-President of the Foundation's Management Board

Co-founder, founder, Templar, deputy editor-in-chief of the Prestiż magazine who is who, Ukrainian public and political activist, general, law enforcement officer, philanthropist, doctor legal sciences, founder and chairman of the Ukrainian political party "Community and Law" (2015), co-founder and ideological leader of the All-Ukrainian public organization for the protection of human rights "Community and Law" (2010).

Mission and vision of the Foundation


The mission of the Foundation is directly related to the directions of development towards which the organization aims in its activities. These are noble and ambitious challenges that can be achieved. The Foundation's goals are broadly defined in the organization's statute. The mission and main goal of the foundation is to provide support to Ukrainian citizens residing in Ukraine and the European Union. Meeting the needs of people affected by war or natural disasters, as well as providing humanitarian, psychological, medical, administrative, legal and educational assistance to refugees. Another important task is the form of supporting and promoting Ukraine in the field of economic, political, scientific and social cooperation between Poland and Ukraine, as well as Ukraine and the European Union. The highest priority value and the main reason for establishing the Foundation is action aimed at the good of other people. Charity comes in many forms and any involvement consistent with the Foundation's mission is valuable and valuable.



Thanks to the Foundation's activities and the involvement of its benefactors, the organization will increasingly not only coordinate collections for those in need and offer assistance in various scopes, but also disseminate projects promoting the protection of freedom and human rights and supporting the development of democracy. Cooperation with domestic and foreign people and institutions will allow for comprehensive educational and cultural development, including organizing training, courses, exhibitions, fairs, etc. Implementation of programs aimed at the economic development of small and medium-sized enterprises, developing economic cooperation in the international arena are the tasks of the Foundation, which over time, they will turn into a realized goal. Promoting Ukraine abroad, promoting European integration and developing contacts and cooperation between Ukraine and the European Union is also the mission, vision and strategy of the Foundation's permanent activities.